Thursday, December 3, 2009

Test Case

What is a test case? How to create a good test case?
Test cases are a sequence of steps to test the correct behavior of a functionality/feature of an application. A test case should have an input description, Test Sequence and an Expected Behavior. A test case is a list of the conditions or issues of what the tester want to test in software.
Test Sequence:
Sequence here is the order in which this step is to be executed. The test case document should be prepared in such a way that the test cases should follow a sequence.

Test Input Description:
1.Login to as administrator.
2. Go to Reports page
3. Click on the ‘Schedule reports' button
4. Add reports
5. Update

Expected Results:
The report schedule should get added to the report schedule table. Provisioning status of the reports should get handled

The objective of any Testing activity is to find the defects at the earliest stage. To test a product we must know

1. What all the features to be tested? (Objective of testing)
2. How to test the features? (Steps to test the objective)
3. What will be the result if I execute the steps given to test the features? (Expected behavior of the output for the objective)

So, a good test case should be more precise. And it should be more focus towards testing one particular functionality rather than covering all functionality.

Write testcase for print option using mswod?
  • in ms-word first check out the printer is connected properly
  • then check when we give print command its doesn't show any error.
  • if error shows then print is not working
  • first click on the print option and then ok
  • go to file option of ms-word and then click on print
  • also give print command by pressing the button ctrl+p then check out the pages to be printed

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